Willing to Flow
When you let go of what no longer serves your path of truth, you flow with the currents of life and become consciously aligned with your highest self, filled with Spirit's Heart of unconditional love and Light!
This is an acrylic pour that sat in my studio for several months without a title. I did not get what it was teaching me. A few days ago, I decided to meditate with it once more.
I immersed myself in the painting and I quickly felt as if I was swimming in turbulent waters. I became exhausted and wanted to give up.
Coincidentally, I had contracted a flu virus that kept me prostrated and listless for 5 days. Holding the painting on top of my heart, I fell asleep.
In the dreamtime I became calmer, and a feeling of trust arose where I could easily penetrate the light codes embedded in the art. Instead of swallowing water, a desire to release something big overtook me, and I began to empty myself of whatever was stuck inside me.
And then, I felt deeply relieved and at peace. I was Willing to Flow…
I am sure that if you make Willing to Flow yours, and although the message for you may be different from mine, owning this little gem will change your life and help you to be more aligned with your lifepath.
This is an acrylic pour that sat in my studio for several months without a title. I did not get what it was teaching me. A few days ago, I decided to meditate with it once more.
I immersed myself in the painting and I quickly felt as if I was swimming in turbulent waters. I became exhausted and wanted to give up.
Coincidentally, I had contracted a flu virus that kept me prostrated and listless for 5 days. Holding the painting on top of my heart, I fell asleep.
In the dreamtime I became calmer, and a feeling of trust arose where I could easily penetrate the light codes embedded in the art. Instead of swallowing water, a desire to release something big overtook me, and I began to empty myself of whatever was stuck inside me.
And then, I felt deeply relieved and at peace. I was Willing to Flow…
I am sure that if you make Willing to Flow yours, and although the message for you may be different from mine, owning this little gem will change your life and help you to be more aligned with your lifepath.