Finding the place inside me where everything is possible is how this journey started.
Living my truth and having the courage to move forward on the momentum I created was the intention.
Shattering old patterns and limitations that have kept me from flying in the direction of my path was a goal.
Keeping a close watch on the mind and harnessing ego’s power to steer my life by the heart-mind was my resolution.
In the process, I learned to enjoy every part of the journey, learn from it and integrate both the good and what I did not like by uncovering my light. We all have this light and it helps us find the answers we seek looking within and not to others. This light, when allowed to shine, may alchemically alter the world’s vibration and bring us all into alignment with the beautiful force of Spirit; Love. May it help you find your light!
Living my truth and having the courage to move forward on the momentum I created was the intention.
Shattering old patterns and limitations that have kept me from flying in the direction of my path was a goal.
Keeping a close watch on the mind and harnessing ego’s power to steer my life by the heart-mind was my resolution.
In the process, I learned to enjoy every part of the journey, learn from it and integrate both the good and what I did not like by uncovering my light. We all have this light and it helps us find the answers we seek looking within and not to others. This light, when allowed to shine, may alchemically alter the world’s vibration and bring us all into alignment with the beautiful force of Spirit; Love. May it help you find your light!