There I was on this morning facing a white canvas and feeling quite content when I spontaneously started chanting the Sanskrit syllable OM, what Lama Zopa Rinpoche calls “the divine light of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas”.
I continued chanting and I reached out to a diluted fluorescent violet light acrylic paint in a jar, and spread it on the left and on the right of the surface, and immediately applied various sheets of cellophane paper as a textural element containing movement.
Many sessions later, various layers of paint, additional textures and more colors, along with constant chanting created a feeling that both the canvas and I were made out of pure light.
Om represents the primal vibration out of which all things came forth and into which all things will be absorbed at the end of the cosmic cycle, and with the power to create everything,
Own a print, contemplate it and become as powerful as the Light.
I continued chanting and I reached out to a diluted fluorescent violet light acrylic paint in a jar, and spread it on the left and on the right of the surface, and immediately applied various sheets of cellophane paper as a textural element containing movement.
Many sessions later, various layers of paint, additional textures and more colors, along with constant chanting created a feeling that both the canvas and I were made out of pure light.
Om represents the primal vibration out of which all things came forth and into which all things will be absorbed at the end of the cosmic cycle, and with the power to create everything,
Own a print, contemplate it and become as powerful as the Light.